Alexis's Book List

1.Detective Dog and the Lost Rabbit By Leslie McGuire
2.Junie B. Jones Is Captian Field Day By Barbara Park
3.Just a Bully By Gina and Mer Mayer
4.A is for Salad By Mike Lester
5.I Spy a Candy Cane By Jean Mansollo
6.Mouse Soup By Arnold Lobel
7.The Foot Book By Dr. Suess
8.Wish for a Fish By Bonnie Worth
9.School Days By Apple Jordan
10.Harold and the Purple Crayon Animals, Animals, Animals By LizaBaker and Don Gillies
11.Kate Skates By Jane O'Conner
12.Dinosaur Babies By Lucille Recht Denner
13.The Race By Jan Swanbere
14.Mad Dog By Leslie McGuire
15.Camper Kim By Jonathan London
16.Dad and Sam By Leslie McGuire
17.Whacky Jack By Jonathen London
18.Rag By Barney Saltzberg
19.Pop Fox By Barney Saltzberg
20.The Fog By Barney Saltzberg
21.Kim Kangaroo By Leslie McGuire
22.Country Fair By Laura Ingalls Wilder
23.Detective Dog and the Ghost By Leslie McGuire
24.The Little Red Hen By Harriette Taylor Treadwell
25.The Gingerbread Boy By Harriette Taylor Treadwell
26.Silly Milly By Wendy Cheyette Lewison
27.Pip Squeak By Sarah Weeks
28.The Planets By Martha E.H. Rustad
29.Danny and the Dinosaur By Syd Hoff
30.Browie & Pearl Step Out By Cynthia Rylant
31.The Adventures of NanaCat and Her Children "Someone New" By Maureen Catherine
32.The Giving Tree By Shel SilverStein